Background: In 2024, the US Department of Energy (DOE) provided grant funds totaling $1.6 million to the State of North Dakota for energy-related efficiency application by smaller communities and counties. [The 10 largest counties and cities of the state are each eligible to receive direct (formula) funding for EECBG projects from US Department of Energy.]
Purpose: Applications for the following projects to include materials and labor will be accepted:
- Energy Efficiency Up-grades in Public Buildings. This may include weatherization, installation of efficient heating and cooling systems and appliances, water efficiency measures, energy management systems such as smart thermostats, heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, cooking equipment, and associated wiring and panel upgrades.
- Street and Signal Light Replacement – limited to lighting with LED or other technology of equal or greater value. (This excludes light poles, etc.)
- EV Charging Stations in community accessible areas.
Who may apply: The 43 North Dakota counties and 356 North Dakota cities that were not eligible for formula grants directly from the Federal government are eligible to apply. This criterion excludes the 10 largest counties and 10 largest cities by population as well as tribal government (all of which were eligible for direct formula EECBG grants from DOE).
Priority for Funding: Those counties and cities whose projects are in areas identified as disadvantaged will receive priority for funding. For practical purposes, that means those projects in Tribal areas of the state.
Size of the Grants: Grants, generally up to $65,000 with a 20 percent match, will be considered.
Application and Selection Process: Applications may be submitted at any time after November 1, 2024. A completed Energy Savings Analysis (SFN 59261) with accompanying math should be included with an application. The Division of Community Services intends to issue grants to communities in amounts up to $600,000 each quarter beginning January 1, 2025 and continue each quarter until all of the funds have been obligated and are exhausted.
Requirements and Guidelines:
- Only those counties and cities that are not among the 10 largest of each by population can be consider for this program.
- Communities may apply for the State’s Energy Conservation Grant (ECG) program for the same building related project and, if approved, both can use the EECBG funds as a match for their ECG grant if the project meeting the 10-year energy saving payback required with ESG.
- These grants are subject to Davis-Bacon wage rates and administrative requirements. Contractors that community’s contract with will be required to provide web-based sign up for the Department of Energy’s (DOE) LCPTracker account and report wages electronically on a weekly basis.
- Projects with a cost of $250,000 or more must meet Build American – Buy America (BABA) requirements.
- A NEPA review will be required for ground disturbance. This primarily impacts EV charging station grants.
- The local government/applicants must be registered at SAM.gov and have a Unique Entity ID (UEI) in order to be eligible.
- Projects must be for future projects. If your project is already underway or under contract, EECBG funds cannot be awarded to your project.
- Bids are required for procurement of goods or services over $10,000 if they are part of the approved project.
- Funds are provided on a reimbursement basis after receipt of supporting documentation.
- Applications for the installation of Building energy efficient measures and Street and/or Signal Lighting Replacement must include a completed Energy Savings Analysis.
- Projects for the installation of Building energy efficient measures and Street and/or Signal Lighting Replacement need to show an energy savings.
- Applications must provide a detailed explanation of your project and must describe the benefit or result you are working to achieve.
- Local governments may use the funds for their own facilities or for a non-profit facility within their jurisdiction.
For information about the program, contact Kevin Iverson, SEP/ECG Program Administrator at (701) 328-5385.
Ineligible Local Governments - as they were eligible for formula funds:
Ineligible counties are: Burleigh, Cass, Grand Forks, McKenzie, Morton, Richland, Stark, Stutsman, Ward and Williams.
Ineligible cities are: Bismarck, Dickinson, Fargo, Grand Forks, Jamestown, Mandan, Minot, Wahpeton, West Fargo and Williston.
Program Documents
Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant (SFN 62569)
Energy Saving Analysis (SFN 59261)
Section 106 Clearance (SFN 52654)
Davis Bacon Energy Project Contractor Input (SFN 62570)
Energy Reimbursement Request (SFN 59519)